Cap Zone Provides information on the borders of the zip code areas that can be integrated into GIS systems.

Cap Zone

  • Databank in ESRI shapefile standard format, which can be used on all the most common GIS platforms
  • Geographical databank of the territorial polygons corresponding to the borders of the zip code areas present throughout the country

Learn more

For more information on Territorial Databanks products and services, contact or call the toll-free number 803.1601.

1calls are free from landline and mobile phone. The number is active from Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 20 pm.

CAP Zone is the cartographical support for geomarketing analysis, because it divides the territory into about 4,600 universally recognised areas (postal zones)1.

This territorial classification can be used in areas such as logistics, marketing, sales and emergency management, etc.

1publication of May 2017

"Shapefile" format, developed and governed by ESRI, has become a standard vector data format and is used on all the most common GIS platforms.

It is the only databank of territorial polygons corresponding to the areas marked off by the zip codes certified by Poste Italiane.
CAP Zone provides, for each territorial polygon, the number of letter boxes in use for postage, divided up into three categories: Residential, Shops and Offices.
The first update is generally produced around March/April, and the second around October/November. The updates consist of the supply of the complete, updated territorial databank. Each file contains "Changes" tables, in which are highlighted all the changes that have occurred between the previous and the current edition.

You can download your databanks update in the download area (italian version).

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