Points of Interest The database of postboxes and post offices.

Points of Interest

  • Database of Postboxes (red boxes) and active post offices
  • More than 60,000 geo-referenced points, with latitude and longitude
  • 2 updates available every year

Learn more

The Points of Interest (POI) is the database of Poste Italiane service which provides users with information related to proprietary services (postboxes and post offices), geo-referenced on the territory.
Points of Interest makes it possible to identify, in the Italian territory, Poste’s services and activities, constantly updated through an internal data validation process.
The database is comprised of two files, one for the Postboxes (red boxes) and the other for active post offices complete with detailed information on the opening hours, number of counters, address of the postbox etc.
The updates are published three times a year:
  • May/June
  • September/October
  • December

For each update a complete and up-to-date territorial database is provided. Download the updates of your databases.
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